Running Flatcar Container Linux on Microsoft Azure

    Creating resource group via Microsoft Azure CLI

    Follow the installation and configuration guides for the Microsoft Azure CLI to set up your local installation.

    Instances on Microsoft Azure must be created within a resource group. Create a new resource group with the following command:

    az group create --name group-1 --location <location>

    Now that you have a resource group, you can choose a channel of Flatcar Container Linux you would like to install.

    Using the official image from the Marketplace

    Official Flatcar Container Linux images for all channels are available in the Marketplace. Flatcar is published by the kinvolk publisher on Marketplace. Flatcar Container Linux is designed to be updated automatically with different schedules per channel. Updating can be disabled , although it is not recommended to do so. The release notes contain information about specific features and bug fixes.

    The following command will create a single instance through the Azure CLI.

    The Stable channel should be used by production clusters. Versions of Flatcar Container Linux are battle-tested within the Beta and Alpha channels before being promoted. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4152.2.1.

    $ az vm image list --all -p kinvolk -f flatcar -s stable-gen2 --query '[-1]'  # Query the image name urn specifier
      "architecture": "x64",
      "offer": "flatcar-container-linux-free",
      "publisher": "kinvolk",
      "sku": "stable-gen2",
      "urn": "kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-free:stable-gen2:3815.2.0",
      "version": "3815.2.0"
    $ az vm create --name node-1 --resource-group group-1 --admin-username core --user-data config.ign --image kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-free:stable-gen2:3815.2.0

    The Beta channel consists of promoted Alpha releases. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4186.1.1.

    $ az vm image list --all -p kinvolk -f flatcar -s beta-gen2 --query '[-1]'  # Query the image name urn specifier
      "architecture": "x64",
      "offer": "flatcar-container-linux-free",
      "publisher": "kinvolk",
      "sku": "beta-gen2",
      "urn": "kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-free:beta-gen2:3850.1.0",
      "version": "3850.1.0"
    $ az vm create --name node-1 --resource-group group-1 --admin-username core --user-data config.ign --image kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-free:beta-gen2:3850.1.0

    The Alpha channel closely tracks the master branch and is released frequently. The newest versions of system libraries and utilities are available for testing in this channel. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4230.0.1.

    $ az vm image list --all -p kinvolk -f flatcar -s alpha-gen2 --query '[-1]'
      "architecture": "x64",
      "offer": "flatcar-container-linux-free",
      "publisher": "kinvolk",
      "sku": "alpha-gen2",
      "urn": "kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-free:alpha-gen2:3874.0.0",
      "version": "3874.0.0"
    $ az vm create --name node-1 --resource-group group-1 --admin-username core --user-data config.ign --image kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-free:alpha-gen2:3874.0.0

    Use the offer named flatcar-container-linux-free, there is also a legacy offer called flatcar-container-linux with the same contents. The SKU, which is the third element of the image URN, relates to one of the release channels and also depends on whether to use Hyper-V Generation 1 or 2 VM. Generation 2 instance types use UEFI boot and should be preferred, the SKU matches the pattern <channel>-gen: alpha-gen2, beta-gen2 or stable-gen2. For Generation 1 instance types drop the -gen2 from the SKU: alpha, beta or stable.
    Note: az vm image list -s flag matches parts of the SKU, which means that -s stable will return both the stable and stable-gen2 SKUs.

    Before being able to use the offers, you may need to accept the legal terms once, here done for flatcar-container-linux-free and stable-gen2:

    az vm image terms show --publish kinvolk --offer flatcar-container-linux-free --plan stable-gen2
    az vm image terms accept --publish kinvolk --offer flatcar-container-linux-free --plan stable-gen2

    For quick tests the official Azure CLI also supports an alias for the latest Flatcar stable image:

    az vm create --name node-1 --resource-group group-1 --admin-username core --user-data config.ign --image FlatcarLinuxFreeGen2


    Flatcar images are also published under an offer called flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64. This offer does not require accepting image terms and does not require specifying plan information when creating instances or building derived images. The content of the images matches the other offers.

    $ az vm image list --all -p kinvolk -f flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64 -s stable-gen2 --query '[-1]'
      "architecture": "x64",
      "offer": "flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64",
      "publisher": "kinvolk",
      "sku": "stable-gen2",
      "urn": "kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-corevm-amd64:stable-gen2:3815.2.0",
      "version": "3815.2.0"


    Arm64 images are published under the offer called flatcar-container-linux-corevm. These are Generation 2 images, the only supported option on Azure for Arm64 instances, so the SKU contains only the release channel name without the -gen2 suffix: alpha, beta, stable. This offer has the same properties as the CoreVM offer described above.

    $ az vm image list --all --architecture arm64 -p kinvolk -f flatcar -s stable --query '[-1]'
      "architecture": "Arm64",
      "offer": "flatcar-container-linux-corevm",
      "publisher": "kinvolk",
      "sku": "stable",
      "urn": "kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux-corevm:stable:3815.2.0",
      "version": "3815.2.0"

    Flatcar Pro Images

    Flatcar Pro images were paid marketplace images that came with commercial support and extra features. All the previous features of Flatcar Pro images, such as support for NVIDIA GPUs, are now available to all users in standard Flatcar marketplace images.

    Plan information for building your image from the Marketplace Image

    When building an image based on the Marketplace image you sometimes need to specify the original plan. The plan name is the image SKU, e.g., stable, the plan product is the image offer, e.g., flatcar-container-linux-free, and the plan publisher is the same (kinvolk).

    While the Marketplace images are recommended, it sometimes might be easier or required to use Shared Image Galleries, e.g., when using Packer for Kubernetes CAPI images.

    A public Shared Image Gallery hosts recent Flatcar Stable images for amd64. Here is how to show the image definitions (for now you will only find flatcar-stable-amd64) and the image versions they provide:

    az sig image-definition list-community --public-gallery-name flatcar-23485951-527a-48d6-9d11-6931ff0afc2e --location westeurope
    az sig image-version list-community --public-gallery-name flatcar-23485951-527a-48d6-9d11-6931ff0afc2e --gallery-image-definition flatcar-stable-amd64 --location westeurope

    A second gallery flatcar4capi-742ef0cb-dcaa-4ecb-9cb0-bfd2e43dccc0 exists for prebuilt Kubernetes CAPI images. It has image definitions for each CAPI version, e.g., flatcar-stable-amd64-capi-v1.26.3 which provides recent Flatcar Stable versions.

    Uploading your own Image

    To automatically download the Flatcar image for Azure from the release page and upload it to your Azure account, run the following command:

    docker run -it --rm \
      --resource-group <resource group> \
      --storage-account-name <storage account name>


    During execution, the script will ask you to log into your Azure account and then create all necessary resources for uploading an image. It will then download the requested Flatcar Container Linux image and upload it to Azure.

    If uploading fails with one of the following errors, it usually indicates a problem on Azure’s side:

    Put dial tcp: lookup on no such host
    storage: service returned error: StatusCode=403, ErrorCode=AuthenticationFailed, ErrorMessage=Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. RequestId:a3ed1ebc-701e-010c-5258-0a2e84000000 Time:2019-05-14T13:26:00.1253383Z, RequestId=a3ed1ebc-701e-010c-5258-0a2e84000000, QueryParameterName=, QueryParameterValue=

    The command is idempotent and it is therefore safe to re-run it in case of failure.

    To see all available options, run:

    docker run -it --rm --help
    Usage: /usr/local/bin/ [OPTION...]
     Required arguments:
      -g, --resource-group        Azure resource group.
      -s, --storage-account-name  Azure storage account name. Must be between 3 and 24 characters and unique within Azure.
     Optional arguments:
      -c, --channel              Flatcar Container Linux release channel. Defaults to 'stable'.
      -v, --version              Flatcar Container Linux version. Defaults to 'current'.
      -i, --image-name           Image name, which will be used later in Lokomotive configuration. Defaults to 'flatcar-<channel>'.
      -l, --location             Azure location to storage image. To list available locations run with '--locations'. Defaults to 'westeurope'.
      -S, --storage-account-type Type of storage account. Defaults to 'Standard_LRS'.

    The Dockerfile for the image is managed here .

    SSH User Setup

    Azure offers to provision a user account and SSH key through the WAAgent daemon that runs by default. In the web UI you can enter a user name for a new user and provide an SSH pub key to be set up.

    On the CLI you can pass the user and the SSH key as follows:

    az vm create ... --admin-username myuser --ssh-key-values ~/.ssh/

    This also works for the core user. If you plan to use the core user with an SSH key set up through Ignition userdata, the key argument here is not needed, and you can safely pass --admin-username core and no new user gets created.

    Butane Config

    Flatcar Container Linux allows you to configure machine parameters, configure networking, launch systemd units on startup, and more via a Butane Config. Head over to the provisioning docs to learn how to use Butane Configs. Note that Microsoft Azure doesn’t allow an instance’s userdata to be modified after the instance had been launched. This isn’t a problem since Ignition, the tool that consumes the userdata, only runs on the first boot.

    You can provide a raw Ignition JSON config (produced from a Butane Config) to Flatcar Container Linux via the Azure CLI using the --custom-data or --user-data flag or in the web UI under Custom Data or User Data.

    As an example, this Butane YAML config will start an NGINX Docker container:

    variant: flatcar
    version: 1.0.0
        - name: nginx.service
          enabled: true
          contents: |
            Description=NGINX example
            ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm --force nginx1
            ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name nginx1 --pull always --log-driver=journald --net host
            ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop nginx1

    Transpile it to Ignition JSON:

    cat cl.yaml | docker run --rm -i > ignition.json

    Spawn a VM by passing the Ignition JSON in, and because the Ignition config didn’t include the SSH keys, they are passed as VM metadata:

    az vm create --name node-1 --resource-group group-1 --admin-username core --ssh-key-values ~/.ssh/ --user-data ./ignition.json --image kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux:stable:3760.2.0
    # Alternatively, instead of '--user-data ./ignition.json' you can use: --custom-data "$(cat ./ignition.json)"

    Use the Azure Hyper-V Host for time synchronisation instead of NTP

    By default, Flatcar container Linux uses systemd-timesyncd for date and time synchronization, using an external NTP server as the source of accurate time. Azure provides an alternative for accurate time - a PTP clock source that surfaces Azure Host time in Azure guest VMs. Because Azure Host time is rigorously maintained with high precision, it’s a good source against which to synchronize guest time. Unfortunately, systemd-timesyncd doesn’t support PTP clock sources, though there is an upstream feature request for adding this. To work around this missing feature and to use Azure’s PTP clock source, we can employ chrony in an alpine container to synchronise time. Since alpine is relentlessly optimised for size, the container will merely take about 16MB of disk space. Here’s a configuration snippet to create a minimal chrony container during provisioning, and use it instead of systemd-timesyncd:

    variant: flatcar
    version: 1.0.0
        - path: /opt/chrony/Dockerfile
          mode: 0644
            inline: |
              FROM alpine
              RUN apk add chrony
              RUN rm /etc/chrony/chrony.conf          
        - path: /opt/chrony/chrony.conf
          mode: 0644
            inline: |
              log statistics measurements tracking
              logdir /var/log/chrony
              driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
              makestep 1.0 3
              maxupdateskew 100.0
              dumpdir /var/lib/chrony
              refclock PHC /dev/ptp0 poll 3 dpoll -2 offset 0 stratum 2          
        - path: /opt/chrony/logs
          mode: 0777
        - name: systemd-timesyncd.service
          mask: true
        - name: prepare-chrony.service
          enabled: true
          contents: |
            Description=Build the chrony container image
            ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker build -t chrony .
            ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch done
        - name: chrony.service
          enabled: true
          contents: |
            Description=Chrony RTC time sync service
            After=docker.service prepare-chrony.service
            Requires=docker.service prepare-chrony.service
            ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm --force chrony
            ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name chrony -i --cap-add=SYS_TIME -v /opt/chrony/logs:/var/log/chrony -v /opt/chrony/chrony.conf:/etc/chrony/chrony.conf --device=/dev/rtc:/dev/rtc --device=/dev/ptp_hyperv:/dev/ptp0 chrony chronyd -s -d
            ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop chrony

    If the above works for your use case without modifications or additions (i.e. there’s no need to configure anything else) feel free to supply this ignition configuration as custom data for your deployments and call it a day:

      "ignition": {
        "version": "3.3.0"
      "storage": {
        "directories": [
            "path": "/opt/chrony/logs",
            "mode": 511
        "files": [
            "path": "/opt/chrony/Dockerfile",
            "contents": {
              "compression": "",
              "source": "data:,FROM%20alpine%0ARUN%20apk%20add%20chrony%0ARUN%20rm%20%2Fetc%2Fchrony%2Fchrony.conf%0A"
            "mode": 420
            "path": "/opt/chrony/chrony.conf",
            "contents": {
              "compression": "gzip",
              "source": "data:;base64,H4sIAAAAAAAC/0TMQW4DIQxG4b1P8V+ggSRH6KbLXsEFM0UDA7JN2ty+UhQ1q7f4pNfGBnP2al6ToQvbUulyuMGV016PjdrYclWEG2toYwvpW8dxp6y1eKlNnlK/nhIeQp13MZeJ8yniSp1/18zsYrv84BzjKVJefb7W/wNST3Y/EqmU1Eba8fnxjpDlFqbPiDlawxX50bcLRikmjghzZV8dF/oLAAD//xHNUSnZAAAA"
            "mode": 420
      "systemd": {
        "units": [
            "mask": true,
            "name": "systemd-timesyncd.service"
            "contents": "[Unit]\nDescription=Build the chrony container image\nConditionPathExists=!/opt/chrony-build/done\n[Service]\nType=oneshot\nRemainAfterExit=true\nRestart=on-failure\nWorkingDirectory=/opt/chrony\nExecStart=/usr/bin/docker build -t chrony .\nExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch done\n[Install]\\n",
            "enabled": true,
            "name": "prepare-chrony.service"
            "contents": "[Unit]\nDescription=Chrony RTC time sync service\nAfter=docker.service prepare-chrony.service\nRequires=docker.service prepare-chrony.service\n[Service]\nTimeoutStartSec=0\nExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm --force chrony\nExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name chrony -i --cap-add=SYS_TIME -v /opt/chrony/logs:/var/log/chrony -v /opt/chrony/chrony.conf:/etc/chrony/chrony.conf --device=/dev/rtc:/dev/rtc --device=/dev/ptp_hyperv:/dev/ptp0 chrony chronyd -s -d\nExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop chrony\nRestart=always\nRestartSec=5s\n[Install]\\n",
            "enabled": true,
            "name": "chrony.service"

    Using Flatcar Container Linux

    For information on using Flatcar Container Linux check out the Flatcar Container Linux quickstart guide or dive into more specific topics .


    The azurerm Terraform Provider allows to deploy machines in a declarative way. Read more about using Terraform and Flatcar here .

    The following Terraform v0.13 module may serve as a base for your own setup.

    You can clone the setup from the Flatcar Terraform examples repository or create the files manually as we go through them and explain each one.

    git clone
    # From here on you could directly run it, TLDR:
    cd azure
    export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<azure_subscription_id>"
    export ARM_TENANT_ID="<azure_subscription_tenant_id>"
    export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<service_principal_appid>"
    terraform init
    # Edit the server configs or just go ahead with the default example
    terraform plan
    terraform apply

    Start with a file that contains the main declarations:

    terraform {
      required_version = ">= 0.13"
      required_providers {
        azurerm = {
          source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
          version = "~>2.0"
        ct = {
          source  = "poseidon/ct"
          version = "0.7.1"
        template = {
          source  = "hashicorp/template"
          version = "~> 2.2.0"
        null = {
          source  = "hashicorp/null"
          version = "~> 3.0.0"
    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "main" {
      name     = "${var.cluster_name}-rg"
      location = var.resource_group_location
    resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "main" {
      name                = "${var.cluster_name}-network"
      address_space       = [""]
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
      resource_group_name =
    resource "azurerm_subnet" "internal" {
      name                 = "internal"
      resource_group_name  =
      virtual_network_name =
      address_prefixes     = [""]
    resource "azurerm_public_ip" "pip" {
      for_each            = toset(var.machines)
      name                = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}-pip"
      resource_group_name =
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
      allocation_method   = "Dynamic"
    resource "azurerm_network_interface" "main" {
      for_each            = toset(var.machines)
      name                = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}-nic"
      resource_group_name =
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
      ip_configuration {
        name                          = "internal"
        subnet_id                     =
        private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
        public_ip_address_id          = azurerm_public_ip.pip[each.key].id
    resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "machine" {
      for_each            = toset(var.machines)
      name                = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}"
      resource_group_name =
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
      size                = var.server_type
      admin_username      = "core"
      custom_data         = base64encode(data.ct_config.machine-ignitions[each.key].rendered)
      network_interface_ids = [
      admin_ssh_key {
        username   = "core"
        public_key = var.ssh_keys.0
      source_image_reference {
        publisher = "kinvolk"
        offer     = "flatcar-container-linux"
        sku       = "stable"
        version   = var.flatcar_stable_version
      plan {
        name      = "stable"
        product   = "flatcar-container-linux"
        publisher = "kinvolk"
      os_disk {
        storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
        caching              = "ReadWrite"
    data "ct_config" "machine-ignitions" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      content  = data.template_file.machine-configs[each.key].rendered
    data "template_file" "machine-configs" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      template = file("${path.module}/cl/machine-${each.key}.yaml.tmpl")
      vars = {
        ssh_keys = jsonencode(var.ssh_keys)
        name     = each.key

    Create a file that declares the variables used above:

    variable "resource_group_location" {
      default     = "eastus"
      description = "Location of the resource group."
    variable "machines" {
      type        = list(string)
      description = "Machine names, corresponding to machine-NAME.yaml.tmpl files"
    variable "cluster_name" {
      type        = string
      description = "Cluster name used as prefix for the machine names"
    variable "ssh_keys" {
      type        = list(string)
      description = "SSH public keys for user 'core' (and to register directly with waagent for the first)"
    variable "server_type" {
      type        = string
      default     = "Standard_D2s_v4"
      description = "The server type to rent"
    variable "flatcar_stable_version" {
      type        = string
      description = "The Flatcar Stable release you want to use for the initial installation, e.g., 2605.12.0"

    An file shows the resulting IP addresses:

    output "ip-addresses" {
      value = {
        for key in var.machines :
        "${var.cluster_name}-${key}" => azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.machine[key].public_ip_address

    Now you can use the module by declaring the variables and a Container Linux Configuration for a machine. First create a terraform.tfvars file with your settings:

    cluster_name            = "mycluster"
    machines                = ["mynode"]
    ssh_keys                = ["ssh-rsa AA... [email protected]"]
    flatcar_stable_version  = "x.y.z"
    resource_group_location = "westeurope"

    You can resolve the latest Flatcar Stable version with this shell command:

    curl -sSfL | grep -m 1 FLATCAR_VERSION_ID= | cut -d = -f 2

    The machine name listed in the machines variable is used to retrieve the corresponding Container Linux Config template from the cl/ subfolder. For each machine in the list, you should have a machine-NAME.yaml.tmpl file with a corresponding name.

    Create the configuration for mynode in the file cl/machine-mynode.yaml.tmpl:

        - name: core
            - ${ssh_keys}
        - path: /home/core/works
          filesystem: root
          mode: 0755
            inline: |
              set -euo pipefail
              # This script demonstrates how templating and variable substitution works when using Terraform templates for Container Linux Configs.
              echo My name is ${name} and the hostname is $${hostname}          

    First find your subscription ID, then create a service account for Terraform and note the tenant ID, client (app) ID, client (password) secret:

    az login
    az account set --subscription <azure_subscription_id>
    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <service_principal_name> --role Contributor
      "appId": "...",
      "displayName": "<service_principal_name>",
      "password": "...",
      "tenant": "..."

    Make sure you have AZ CLI version 2.32.0 if you get the error Values of identifierUris property must use a verified domain of the organization or its subdomain. AZ CLI installation docs are here .

    Before you run Terraform, accept the image terms:

    az vm image terms accept --urn kinvolk:flatcar-container-linux:stable:<flatcar_stable_version>

    Finally, run Terraform v0.13 as follows to create the machine:

    export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<azure_subscription_id>"
    export ARM_TENANT_ID="<azure_subscription_tenant_id>"
    export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<service_principal_appid>"
    export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<service_principal_password>"
    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply

    Log in via ssh core@IPADDRESS with the printed IP address.

    When you make a change to cl/machine-mynode.yaml.tmpl and run terraform apply again, the machine will be replaced.

    You can find this Terraform module in the repository for Flatcar Terraform examples .

    Known issues

    With Terraform version 3.x it is currently not possible to partition and format data disks for a azurerm_linux_virtual_machine with ignition’s storage configuration. It might be possible to use the deprecated azurerm_virtual_machine module. Another workaround is to use a systemd unit to run a script that does partitioning and formatting for you. Here is an example on how to create a single partition with an ext4 filesystem:

        - name: partition-drive.service
          enabled: true
          contents: |
            Description="Partition drive"
        - path: /opt/bin/
          mode: 0700
            inline: |
              set -o errexit
              set -o pipefail
              set -o nounset
              until [[ -e $disk_device ]]; do echo "Waiting for device" && sleep 1; done
              if [[ -n $(lsblk -no NAME $disk_device | sed -n '2,$p') ]]; then
                  echo "Disk $disk_device is partitioned."
                  echo 'type=83' | sfdisk /dev/disk/azure/scsi1/lun10
              sleep 3
              if [[ -n $(lsblk -no FSTYPE $partition) ]]; then
                  echo "Partition $partition already formatted."
                  mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/disk/azure/scsi1/lun10-part1