Deployment & Authorization

    Nebraska uses either a noop authentication or OIDC to authenticate and authorize users.

    Preparing the database for Nebraska

    Nebraska uses the PostgreSQL database, and expects the used database to be set to the UTC timezone.

    For a quick setup of PostgreSQL for Nebraska’s development, you can use the postgres container as follows:

    • Start Postgres:

      • docker run --rm -d --name nebraska-postgres-dev -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=nebraska postgres
    • Create the database for Nebraska (by default it is nebraska):

      • psql postgres://postgres:nebraska@localhost:5432/postgres -c 'create database nebraska;'
    • Set the timezone to Nebraska’s database:

      • psql postgres://postgres:nebraska@localhost:5432/nebraska -c 'set timezone = "utc";'

    Tuning PostgreSQL auto-vacuum

    Autovacuum and autoanalyze in PostgreSQL are effectively disabled when tables are very large. This is because the default is 20% of a table (and 10% of a table for analyze).

    We advise to change the mentioned configuration in order to have autovacuum and autoanalyse run when about 5,000 rows change. This value was chosen based on getting the autovacuum to run every day, as it’s large enough to not cause the autovac to run all the time, but about the right size to make a difference for query statistics and reducing table bloat.

    You can verify (and eventually use) this SQL file where we have set up these changes.

    The analyze threshold was chosen at half the autovacuum threshold because the defaults are set at half.

    Deploying Nebraska for testing on local computer (noop authentication)

    • Go to the nebraska project directory and run make

    • Start the database (see the section above if you need a quick setup).

    • Start the Nebraska backend:

      • nebraska -auth-mode noop -http-static-dir $PWD/frontend/build -http-log
    • In the browser, access http://localhost:8000

    Deploying Nebraska with OIDC authentication mode

    • Go to the nebraska project directory and run make

    • Start the database (see the section above if you need a quick setup).

    • Setup OIDC provider (Keycloak Recommended).

    • Start the Nebraska backend:

      • nebraska --auth-mode oidc --oidc-admin-roles nebraska_admin --oidc-viewer-roles nebraska_member --oidc-client-id nebraska --oidc-issuer-url http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master --oidc-client-secret <Your_Client_Secret>

      Note: If roles array in the token is not in roles key, one can specify a custom JSON path using the oidc-roles-path flag.

    • In the browser, access http://localhost:8000

    Preparing Keycloak as an OIDC provider for Nebraska

    • Run Keycloak using docker:

      • docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -d
    • Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to access keycloak UI and login with the username admin and password as admin.

    Creating Roles

    Member Role

    1. Click on Roles menu option and select Add Role.
    2. Provide a name for the member role, here we will use nebraska_member.
    3. Click Save.

    Admin Role

    1. Click on Roles menu option and select Add Role.
    2. Provide a name for the admin role, here we will use nebraska_admin.
    3. Click Save.
    4. After the admin role is created enable composite role to ON. In the Composite Roles section select the member role, In our case it is nebraska_member and click Add Selected.

    Now the member and admin roles are created, the admin role is a composite role which comprises of member role.

    Creating a client

    1. Click on Clients menu option and click Create.
    2. Set the client name as nebraska and click Save.
    3. Change the Access Type to Confidential
    4. Set Valid Redirect URIs to http://localhost:8000/login/cb.

    Adding roles scope to token

    1. Click on Mappers tab in Client Edit View. Click on Create.
    2. Set the name as roles, Select the Mapper Type as User Realm Role, Token Claim Name as roles and Select Claim JSON Type as String.
    3. Click Save

    Attaching Roles to User

    1. Click on Users menu option and click View all users.
    2. Once the user list appears select the user and click on Edit.
    3. Go to Role Mapping tab and select nebraska_admin role and click on add selected to attach role to user. If you want to provide only member access access select the member role.

    Preparing Auth0 as an OIDC provider for Nebraska

    Create and configure new application

    1. Click on Create Application.
    2. Provide the name as nebraska, select Regular Web Application.
    3. Click Create
    4. Click on the settings tab.
    5. Under Application URIs section provide the Allowed Callback URLs as http://localhost:8000/login/cb.
    6. Click on Save Changes

    Adding roles scope to token

    1. Click on Actions > Library and find the Create Action menu from top right.
    2. Click on Build from scratch option.
    3. Provide a name for the new action.
    4. Choose the Login / Post Login trigger type and the recommended runtime.
    5. Paste the following snippet in Script text box.
    exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
      const namespace = '';
      if (event.authorization) {
        api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
        api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
    1. Click on Deploy. Now the action to add the roles to the token is setup, but then we yet have to create the trigger for it.
    2. Go to Triggers under the Actions main menu.
    3. Choose the post-login flow.
    4. Find the newly created action on the right side (switch to the custom tab).
    5. Drag & Drop the action between the Start and Complete steps in the flow.
    6. Click Apply.

    Now the action that adds the roles to the token will be triggered after each login and the roles will be available in the key

    Note: The oidc-roles-path argument accepts a JSONPath to fetch roles from the token, in this case set the value to http://kinvolk\.io/roles.

    Preparing Dex with github connector as an OIDC provider for Nebraska

    Setting up a Github App to be used as a connector for Dex

    • Create a new organization in Github.

    • Now you need a Github app, go to<ORG>/settings/apps/new and fill the following fields:

      • GitHub App name - just put some fancy name.

      • Homepage URL - http://localhost:8000

      • User authorization callback URL -

      • Permissions - Access: Read-only to Organization members

      • User permissions - none needed

      • Subscribe to events - tick Membership, Organization and Team

      • Where can this GitHub App be installed? - Only on this account

    • Press Create GitHub App button

    • Next thing you’ll get is OAuth credentials at the bottom of the page of the app you just created, we will need both Client ID and Client secret

    • You also need to install the app you just created

      • Go to<ORG>/settings/apps

      • Click Edit button for your new app

      • Choose Install App on the left of the page and perform the installation

    Creating Github Teams

    • Create two teams in your organization with the following names admin and viewer.

    • Add the admin users to both admin and viewer team. Add the non-admin users to viewer team.

    Configuring and Running Dex IDP

    • Create a configuration for Dex based on the example.


      type: sqlite3
        file: /var/dex/dex.db
      - id: nebraska
          - 'http://localhost:8000/login/cb'
        name: 'nebraska'
        secret: <ClientSecret> // Random Hash
    - type: github
      id: github
      name: GitHub
        clientID: <Client ID>
        clientSecret: <Client Secret>
        loadAllGroups: true
        teamNameField: slug
        useLoginAsID: true
    enablePasswordDB: true
    • Run Dex using docker with the example configuration.

    docker run -p 5556:5556 -v ${PWD}/example.yaml:/etc/dex/example.yaml -v ${PWD}/dex.db:/var/dex/dex.db dex serve /etc/dex/example.yaml

    Running nebraska

    go run ./cmd/nebraska –auth-mode oidc –oidc-admin-roles :admin –oidc-viewer-roles :viewer –oidc-client-id nebraska –oidc-issuer-url –oidc-client-secret –oidc-roles-path groups –oidc-scopes groups,openid,profile

    Deploying on Kubernetes using the Helm Chart

    We maintain a Helm Chart for deploying a Nebraska instance to Kubernetes. The Helm Chart offers flexible configuration options such as:

    • Deploy a single-replica PostgreSQL database together with Nebraska. We use the container image and also the Helm Chart (as a subchart) from Bitnami

    • Enabling / disabling, and configuring persistence for both Nebraska and PostgreSQL (persistence is disabled by default)

    • Common deployment parameters (exposing through Ingress, replica count, etc.)

    • All Nebraska application configuration

    For the complete list of all available customization options, please read the Helm Chart README .

    To install the Helm Chart using the default configuration (noop authentication), you can execute:

    $ helm repo add nebraska
    $ helm install my-nebraska nebraska/nebraska

    You probably need to customize the installation, then use a Helm values file. Eg.:

    # nebraska-values.yaml
        title: Nebraska
        mode: github
          clientID: <your clientID obtained during GitHub App registration>
          clientSecret: <your clientSecret obtained during GitHub App registration>
          sessionAuthKey: <64 random hexadecimal characters>
          sessionCryptKey: <32 random hexadecimal characters>
          webhookSecret: <random Secret used in GitHub App registration>
      annotations: <your ingress class>
      postgresqlPassword: <A secure password>
        enabled: true
        storageClass: <A block storage-class>
          - ReadWriteOnce
        size: 1Gi

    Then execute:

    $ helm install my-nebraska nebraska/nebraska --values nebraska-values.yaml


    • I’m getting a blank page!

      • You likely visited nebraska frontend website before, so browser likely has cached the index.html page, so it won’t get it from Nebraska, but instead start asking for some CSS and javascript stuff outright, which it won’t get. That results in a blank page. Force the browser to get index.html from Nebraska by either doing a force refresh (ctrl+f5 on firefox), or by cleaning the cache for localhost (or the server where the Nebraska instance is deployed). We will try to improve this in the future.