Torcx metadata and systemd target
In many cases, it is desirable to inspect the state of a system booted with Torcx and to verify the details of the configuration that has been applied. For this purpose, Torcx comes with additional facilities to integrate with systemd-based workflows: a custom target and a metadata file containing environment flags.
Metadata entries and environment flags
In order to signal a successful run, Torcx writes a metadata file at most once per boot. The format of this file is suitable for consumption by the systemd EnvironmentFile=
and can be used to introspect the booted configuration at runtime.
The metadata file is written to /run/metadata/torcx
and contains a list of key-value pairs:
$ cat /run/metadata/torcx
These values can be used to detect where assets have been unpacked and propagated (shown above as “unpack” and “bin” entries), which profiles have been sourced (both vendor- and user-provided), and what is the resulting profile that has been applied.
Finally, the runtime profile can be inspected to detect which addons (and versions) are currently applied:
$ cat /run/torcx/profile.json
"kind": "profile-manifest-v0",
"value": {
"images": []
Torcx target unit
System services may depend on successful execution of Torcx generator. As such,
is provided as a target unit which is only reachable if the generator successfully ran and sealed the system.
This target is not enabled by default, but can be referenced as a dependency by other units who want to introspect system status:
$ sudo systemctl cat torcx-echo.service
Description=Sample unit relying on torcx run
ExecStart=/usr/bin/echo "torcx: applied ${TORCX_UPPER_PROFILE}"
$ sudo systemctl status
● - Verify torcx succeeded
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active since [...]
$ sudo journalctl -u torcx-echo.service
localhost systemd[1]: Starting Sample unit relying on torcx run...
localhost echo[756]: torcx: applied custom-demo
localhost systemd[1]: Started Sample unit relying on torcx run.