Hands on 3 - Deploying
The goal of this hands-on is to:
- Deploy Flatcar instances with IaC (Terraform)
- Manipulate Terraform code
- Write Flatcar provisioning with Terraform
- Deploy Flatcar on OpenStack with Terraform
This is a bundle of hands-on-1 and hands-on-2 but it’s not a local deployment and everything is as code.
Clone the tutorial repository and cd into it:
git clone https://github.com/flatcar/flatcar-tutorial; cd flatcar-tutorial/hands-on-3
Go into the terraform directory
cd terraform
Update the config for creating index.html from previous hands-on:
vim server-configs/server1.yaml
Initialize the terraform project locally:
terraform init
Get the credentials and update the terraform.tfvars
consequently generate the plan and inspect it:
terraform plan
Apply the plan:
terraform apply
Go on the horizon dashboard and connect with terraform credentials find your instance. One can assert that it works by accessing the console (click on the instance then “console”).
NOTE: it’s possible to SSH into the instance but at the moment, it takes a SSH jump through the openstack (devstack) instance.
ssh -J user@[DEVSTACK-IP] -i ./.ssh/provisioning_private_key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null core@[SERVER-IP]
In order to destroy the instance:
terraform destroy
- Hands on 4
- Running Flatcar Container Linux on OpenStack
- https://github.com/flatcar/flatcar-terraform/ (NOTE: the terraform code used here is based on this repository)
- Video with timestamp: https://youtu.be/woZlGiLsKp0?t=1395
- Asciinema: https://asciinema.org/a/591442